This subject helps us to acquire a basic and initial
formation about psicoevolutions process that children experiment in the pass by
their lives. This refers to the knowledge of the changes that the children are
going to experiment. It's essential for future teachers and they will allow
understanding of what happens in the classroom, and so more properly adjusting
their pedagogical interventions. In this stage is so important, because is
during the age school when the child has to know the basic processes of
learning, the acquisition of identity and self-concept, like personality
Furthermore, the general knowledge that this
subject gives us, we have to develop a big sensibility to know the specific
situation about each child and each family, we have to respect the maturation
rate and the learning about each one, we must avoid falling into
generalizations that might harm their development and progress of children. One
way to get to this sensibility is to see this subject like a basic orientation
without stiffness, promoting between us the understanding, patience and
delivery to give children and provide them all help that they need to train like
people and prevent all kinds of alterations and the difficulties in the

During the first sessions of developmental psychology, the teacher told us to make a single picture of what we understood by development to later compare it to other colleagues. And back to do another group drawing, explain this picture and compare it with other classes.
WHY? we
think that the idea of development was implicit in us, but we never stopped
to think about it, when we have drawn, we developed the idea that we each one
of us have the development and compare it, we realize that the idea of
development is somewhat subjective because everyone has his own and all are
valid, but also we see that there are different ways to group development, this
may be linear or cyclic, dynamic or static, linear with or without a final end,
individual or contextual, development can also be forward, backward, forward
but with multiple alternatives ... but we understand that many way, alternative
or directions we take always achieve development.
Finally comparing it with colleagues and listening
the following explanations of the teacher, we realized that the idea of
development is not simple as we thought in the first class; the development
is very broad and complex.
we drew a line of our own life experience in paper that was an objective
experience, then in pairs outside class we make a different one by walking when
we were thinking about our life, we realised this development was more
subjective. With this exercise we were experienced the different process:
transit, transfer and transformation. As the teacher said transit is the whole
experience without stops, transfer was the stages of the experience and then
transformation is what changes you and make an before and after. We have
experienced transformation when this module, now we could understand what
development is and we now understand more than before.
The last days, we started with some
theory but our question is why we didn’t start with the theory and then do some
practise about it? The answer comes easier to my mind, the teacher has been
trying that we get the knowledge by ourselves first, so then when we see the
theory we are going to have some previous base, furthermore getting the
knowledge by discovering it, It’s going to help us to go understand it better
and to go deeper. The first thing that he has tried to explain us is the
concept of development, because if we are studying development psychology,
first we have to understand development.
Then we have go deeper into some
characteristics of the development, it has been like the example of the
building, seeing it outside it looked like only one thing but when we get in,
we could see that It also has another parts which are also complex and has
their own characteristics. Some of these characteristics are the concept of
subjectivism, objectivism, change...
Afterwards we saw the fisher model which was like the top of all we have
learnt, also we could think development as this theory because development gets
more abstract and abstract when you go deeper on it.
Finally, like a conclusion of what we
all have done, we can say that this development which we have learned, it has
been from one method of knowledge that we can call “simple” until one that we
can consider that is more complicated to understand. But, this does that now we
understand better all the process of the development following all its steps
and we realize that the knowledge has been correct and we have been conscious
about it. We can show one example about this type of development, it reflects
in the “process of wedding” that in the begging they are two people that have a
friendship and with a long of time they get develop the love until one point in
the summit. Like this subject, this subject didn’t start
with the first class but this class started when the teacher started to prepare
the classes of this year, also this subject won’t finish with the last day, it
will keep going when we become teachers.
But now, what are we
going to do in the next classes? We think that in the following classes we may
develop various topics to talk of them in class and to discus all the doubts
that we will have, the topics we think that are going to appear is:
- The development of the children: related to these topics we think that we can talk about how a child evolves as the time as he grows or how to behave according to the past years.
- Authors: we think that we have to understand some authors, to understand the children as Piaget, Kolhberg, Vygotsky, Pavlov or Ausubel.
- Children’s awareness of their development: we think that we have to discuss if the children are aware of their change and if they are aware that their future depends on those years.
Gemma García, Alejandro García, Cristina Martinez, Borja de Hevia, Laura Sanchez y Paloma Cendejas
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