On Tuesday and on Thursday of this last week
Alejandro told us that we had to do a class analysis of whole course in his

- We have to draw our idea/opinion about development, what was development for us and how we see ourselves in the future as teachers. We did this exercise individually and we felt very surprised because in our first class of University we draw a couple of paints and we did not understand why. It was important? We thought that the teacher was going to give us theory and then, we would have to study it.
- After the class which we have to draw, we classified the drawings in several categories. We did it in two groups, and each group had to write the definition of development. We changed a lot of times the draws between the groups. We felt confused because we did not see the things that we should have to see, although we understood later.
- In other classes we were talking about models of life-spam developmental Psychology and the different types of development (lineal, circular, up and down, spiral, stairs…) and we discovered that the circular model is the actual concept. Alejandro up-loaded on the platform a very long text that we should have read (but nobody read the whole text, except three or four people). We disposed us in groups and we explained the text to the partners that did not read. But NOBODY understood the theory. Then, Alejandro explained us what the text means, but before that, we felt like the draw shows.
- Another day, we had to make a time-line with the most important events in our lifes. First of all, we did the objective line ourselves, but then we did the exercise in couples: with our eyes closed, we had to walk forward and backward remembering the most important experiences. We felt very ridiculous, because there are experiences in our life that we do not share with other people. At the end of the exercise we observed that when we walked forward and backward we have the same feelings and memories (or most of us).
- We also talked about the meaning of age (biological, functional, social and subjective). We did this activity individually and we felt that our age is not defined by our biological age. We could felt with different age in different situations.6. In the last classes we saw how development is: multidimensional, multidirectional, losses and wins… It was a theorical class and we understood better the concept of development.
Moreover, we have learned the concept of
development and its meaning. We also have learned many forms to work (draws, in
groups…) and we think that we could use it when we will work. In addition, the
power-point presentations are ours, with our photos and we working, so that did
that we feel very important.
At the end of the class, each group had to do a
couple of questions about the subject and then we shared them with the rest of
the class. We chosen twice because these questions will have answered by the
other Magisterio’s group and we will answer theirs.
ReplyDeleteGood as a starting post.
I guess that this kind of reflections will eventually become less descriptive and more conceptually elaborated.
But as I said it is a good start. It is great that you added a picture in order to show how you felt during one of the classes. As you know "a picture is worth a thousand words"... sometimes.
Your description of our sequence is accurate but there is an interesting gap: all the ideas provided about the orthogenetic principle, epigenesis and self organization, life events, turning points, transitions and trajectories, etc... Please do not forget all this because it will be useful later.
Besides it seems that there is not too much reflection about why we were doing this kind of activities. If you do not think about it its meaning will not emerge.
Generally we speaking we were creating a concept of development. In order to do so we had first to identify our implicit conceptions about development: what you already knew. Noticing differences between the drawings was a way to group meaning into more elaborated categories (for example those groups more stable with a title). Then comparing the different categories it was easier to see more abstract similarities and differences. It is then when a concept can begin to emerge. Of course it was possible to connect this with the ideas discussed in the slides.
Unless you connect there is nothing. And this is part of the process we have been doing.
We have tried to explore also objective and subjective representations of our own development. And you will understand later the reason of this, because the object and the subject are two classical distinctions in Developmental Psychology, at least part of the work of structuralist theorist such as Piaget, and neo piagetians as Robert Kegan. We will deal with them in a week or so.
I liked this sentence: "We felt confused because we did not see the things that we should have to see, although we understood later". Kant used to say that concepts without percepts are empty and percepts without concepts are blind. You can apply it to what happened to you. That's why we are making so many exercises. So that you can construct your own concepts gradually instead of just listening to them and pretending understanding them.
Well I hope there will be more. By the way this is aimed for the whole group, not just for you. Buy thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts.
One more thing, review the past tenses. You need to write more carefully, I am also attending to your english, not only to the content. You should do the same.
For example:
In the second lesson, we tried to speak about how we feel (felt) doing those activities
We have (had) to draw our idea/opinion about development, what was development for us and how we see (saw) ourselves in the future as teachers
we draw (drawed) a couple of paints and we did not understand why.
We chosen (chose or have chosen) twice because these questions
Take notice of these...