Monday 28 October 2013

Summary of previous lessons

Last week, Alejandro divided us in groups. This group consisted of Eva, Sara Arenas, Andrea, Mónica, Elisa and Laura Borné. The teacher asked us to make a summary about what have we learned in class. We have special atencion about WHAT we have  been doing in class, HOW and WHY.

1.-We made draws about what development means to us, and draws of ourselves in the future being teachers
2.- After  we made the draws,  we made groups about four  or five people to describe the pictures from other people
3.- Next day we made bigger groups and tried to find the meaning of the pictures and the connections between pictures with the same meaning
4.- Both groups made a presentation about the simulation between the pictures
5.- We made a time line about our principals moments in our life
6.- We represent the time line walking forward and backward
7.- Age.
The principal ideas we got doing this exercises are the following:
In order to draw what development means to us we think that it depending of the person the development is different because everybody has a different view point about how someone or something develops. So, because there are differents points of view, there are three different types of draws. Some people draw the development increasing, other decreasing (this happened with someone’s draw like the last stage of the development)
In order to make our timeline we worked in pairs and we realized that going to the past by now is different than going  now to the past. We remember different things during the way.

We made those activities to try to understand development in every single person.
We made a timeline because we have to see how the past affects our development.

In general we don’t feel the age we trully have (i.e: a person can feel like a 20 year-old, but be 18 years-old).
With the timeline we remembered the most important momentes in our lives, and depending on the memory we felt better or worse.
When we saw other people’s draws and we compared with ours we could interpret the idea of development from other people.
Next we are going to study the develop for children.

  • ¿Qué interpretación tienes sobre el desarrollo?
  • ¿Qué sensación tuviste cuando hiciste la línea del tiempo?

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    The best thing about this report is that you are trying to answer the three questions (what, how and why). At least there is an attempt to do so.

    You can read my comment to the previous posts in order to complement yours. Interestingly I find here once again a gap about the session I introduced formal definitions about the processes involved in development: the orthogenetic principle, the idea of selforganization, the concepts of transition, trajectory, turning point, etc.. Please fill that gap.

    Take care with the part of the how. You only begin to answer it and think in terms of process in the last sentence: "we saw other's drawings and we compared with ours in order to interpret other's ideas about development".

    Comparing similarities and differences is a process. Good you noticed that. To compare we need to create different situations or experiences. You could notice that there is a pattern in many of the sequences we will be doing: they come in three parts. And there is a reason for this. In brief three is the minimum quantity for optimizing differences and the information we can get from that. Pay attention to that for example with the sequence of exploring bonding processes.

    One remark: the time line exercise was done in order to compare an objective representation of your lives with a subjective one. In addition past is not affecting present more than our interpretation of that past made in the present. And also we have our expectations towards the future made in the present too. If you think about it there is only present. You felt worse or better no because of the events you remembered but of your interpretations and meanings of those events. It would be good if you can differentiate that. And it is not an easy task. If you do not notice you are interpreting something and meaning it then you can believe that the event has already only one meaning. And that's not the case. We will discuss this more in detail. The exploration about the bonding processes gives interesting examples about this, if you think about it.

    Well, good for now.

    I will give you more information about your english in a following comment.


