Thursday 15 January 2015

Small heroes in trouble

Six years ago I participated in an European project which pretended to provide teaching resources thought to work with boys from 6 to 11 years old, this is, primary school. The target of this project was promoting the training of all those students (as you) who wanted to become primary-school teachers.

I forgot to include this material last year. As it is in english I did not used in my classes. But now it makes no sense not mentioning it.

You can find in this web-page different chapters convering a broad range of topics:

Body and Health
Conduct Disorder
Culture and Society

I encourage you to explore all the material you have available here (the exercises) and here (the full papers).

Me and Carmen Santamaría ( an english teacher of our faculty and also a colleague and friend) wrote a brief chapter dealing with how to train children to manage intepersonal conflicts. Our paper delineates a workshop to train these social skills based on developmental theories. I used the work of Selman who developed a stage theory of Social Perspective Taking which is quite useful in order to understand how people deal with intepersonal conflicts.

You can also see it as an example of teaching methodology according to developmental premises.

Although we had not time to include it in the classes, we can do it now "for free" just attending to your interest in the matter.

I guess you will understand it better once you have reviewed all the subject. Much more once you have read and understood a little bit the work of Kegan.

In addition to this I hope you can explore the rest of the material. All of it could help your future classes as a teachers.



Thursday 8 January 2015

I want to talk about an activity that I have been thinking a lot in this Christmas holidays, it was the free sound, we had to closed our eyes and stay in silence, and we had just to listen the sounds. It was so confused because each of us thought that it was a different situation… this is very entertainment because we weren’t aware that each one of the class in the moment that we were with the eyes close, we were thinking in different situations, so when the sound finished we started talking about what we thought that was happening during the sound… With this activity I have realized that each of us have a different way of thinking. So we are like differents worlds.
So I think that we can be tricked by a simple things… because later we were talking about how a video or an image changes depending the music and the soundso we are very manipulated… Are we aware about how we can be manipulated by something or someone?...

Wednesday 7 January 2015


I´ve put Summary to this blog because, here I´m going to writte a summary about this subject.

First of all, I want to thank these four months in which they have helped me as a person and as a future teacher. Secondly I would like to write here what I felt and what I've learned during these months in addition to the self, so get to work!
I started doing the self, if you really know the importance of that letter, which I did it fast and without thinking, until one day I woke up and saw an email that opened my eyes, and I realized he importance of that writing, and no longer just for the note but for myself. I went back to do it again, and this time in English because the mail was also the explanation of in English or Spanish, and realized that we are bilingual, and honestly that question had neither having done that. As I was saying, I redid the text, I began to ask again and again what he had learned in this course he had done and not during those months and was able to say many more things I thought I knew.

Secondly I mean, I have been very strange months in this subject, I mean, I never knew what were going to do in each session, but reading the text Kegan, I realized the importance, in my view, this whole subject is related to a "bridge".
Everyone will asked about why I´ve decide this bridge and not another ,  and now I´m going to answer you. As this subject so strange in the sense of not knowing what will happen, this is  for me the bridge that I relate more to the subject.

Reading the text of Kegan I realized how many times I might have crossed every day but scary at that point you have, for fear of what will happen at the end or just sloth, I've missed, and that is the worst thing I´ve done in this subject.

Summering up, this brief overview about my self-assessment I mean , a hard time opening mine eyes and realize that I know more than I thought, that this document has served to give me more aware of things, to value  more , but mostly to grow up  as a person and mature, to know that I alone can do things and if I need help that suits my learning, but more important to ALWAYS have the courage to cross that bridge.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Pictures for a four month process

Hello to all

I hope your Xmas Holidays were great.

One of the first things  I wanted to do this new year was to share the pictures I have been taking these last four months. I take pictures for several reasons. But one of them is helping me to remember how it was the process we followed from September. I hope it will be a good memory for you  about this new stage you are living in the Faculty of Education.

In addition to this I also hope this pictures will help you to track your passage through this subject.

I wish all of you a meaningful and developmental 2015.



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