Monday 26 October 2015

Introducing the chapter "Soñar Despierta"


In this video-tutorial you can have a brief introduction of one of the chapters I suggested you could read, "Soñar Despierta". I highlight its connection with the bonding processes we are beginning to work with. It illustrates very well how to take into account emotional and bonding processes that happen in our classes. In her case in preschool education.

In addition to this this is the first time I share this kind of tutorial. It is a new experience for me, using an App called "Explain Everything". I think it can be useful for us and also it gives examples of how use new technologies when teaching.

I am sure new tutorials will be better... or I hope so.

Please you can write down comments about this reading task below if you want. Questions, thoughts and critics are welcome.

Monday 12 October 2015

Our own definition about development

The concept of development refers to the evolution, the creation of a new phenomenon. It is not something that is planned or built before hand because every step creates the conditional of the next. For this reason, all stages are contained in the previous, but at the same time is a new creation, so there is some opposition.
Fdo. Sandra, Marina, Elvira e Irene.

Developmental process

We understand development as a process of qualitative and quantitative changes we suffer throughout our lives. These changes are mainly physical and mental. Focusing on the mental ones, they can be conditioned by a wide variety of external factors such as the environment in which the person lives, their family, their culture or the historical period in which the person is growing.

Besides these factors, they can also interfere in the developmental process the called 'turning points' (important, good or bad moments) that have conditioned in one way or another our developmental process.

Finally, highlight the theory that development is a process that has no end: it is always evolving and transforming, it never ends.

What is the true definition of development?

According to the dictionary, "Development" is "the act or process of developing; growth; progress" or "a developed or advanced state or form". But... if we analyze the representations of development that we made in class, we can say development is a word that contains too many things, depending to the person that we are asking. For example: is development a process related to academic life? Or is a process only related to our personal life? It could be the relation between our experiences and our achievements. It could be simply a representation of all things we have lived too.

On the one hand, once we made ​​it clear that the understanding of "development" may be different depending on the person, we can establish that our development is a progress; a line, a infinite line that never stop. We`re in a continuous progress, and there are many success with special meaning that changes the direction or the object of our development. They are different moments in our lifes that may provocate a transition o a transformation: Development is continuous; we're in a continuous transit that changes with different moments and success: transfers and transformations.
On the other hand, we should consider three basics aspects of this concept:

1-  Each level or each level or stage prepares you for the next. On this way we can be in one stage without having passed before the previous level.

2- This process success since global things to concrete things; since general concepts to particular concepts. On this way with the experience we have more knowledge about one theme.

3- Each level contains all the information and concepts that contained the previous level with more information added. 

María Pérez Schnell
Zuleika Vargas



After a careful reading of your posts (thank you so much for them by the way) I came up with  a couple of conclusions.

I wanted to check what you included in your definitions. But even more important I wanted to know what you excluded from them. I think, in terms of our matter on development, that what we exclude or not include is even more important.

All three posts include the idea of the influence of context (as Culture o History).

You mention the idea of different stages through life referring to something that changes.

About the nature of this change it is cyclical, continuous and discontinuous in one post (the first one posted by Bea), endless and discontinuous (I guess it implies it is cyclical as well in the second one posted by Gema) and more linear although with bifurcations and discontinuous (as we read in the third one posted by Virginia).

It calls my attention that there are few allusions to the theoretical quotes we read  the last class.

Only the third post suggests some relationship with Wund's idea of "every stage of this development is already contained in the preceding and is, at the same time, a new phenomenon". As Virginia's group said "It comes from a basic starting point from which develop new states or stages that are include in the above". 

So my question right now is why there are so few ideas connected to the quotes? Were they really understood? 

It is interesting that there is none attempt to describe how is the process of change. As there is something that changes (what we can call a structure A in a state A) how does it become  something else ( structure B in a state B)?

How is the nature of this change or transformation?

The concept of epigenesis is useful in order to add information to this. And Werner's orthogenetic principle is key to understand this process of change which involves three things: differentiation, articulation/organization and integration. 

Interestingly these two notions about development are right now out of your understanding. They are probably meaningless and maybe this explains why they were not included. 

And that's quite normal. They are not easy to grasp. 

Let's see what happens tomorrow. 

Anyway thanks a lot for participating and sharing your thoughts. 


PD: If there are more posts I will comment them too. 

Saturday 10 October 2015


We understand development as a process of growth and change of skills, physical and personal characteristics and also losses throughout our lives. It comes from a basic starting point from which develop new states or stages that are include in the above.
It is also a process that is influenced by culture and historical situation and occurs in different ways, speeds or directions.
By: Patricia Zarza Iglesias, Amaya Retuerta Mingo y Virginia Madrid Paraíso.


El desarrollo es un proceso sin fin, condicionado por el contexto tanto histórico como cultural de la sociedad en la que nos encontremos.

En este, las diferentes etapas de nuestra vida, están marcadas por diferentes acontecimientos, experiencias y momentos decisivos (turning points) que provocan cambios en nuestra trayectoria y en nuestra personalidad. Estos ‘momentos decisivos’ pueden darse por motivos económicos, familiares, políticos, etc.                                                                                                                                                 
Gema Gutiérrez, María Encinas, Sara Mora, Adalisa Licu y Belén Jiménez.

Thursday 8 October 2015


Es un proceso, una transición marcada por diferentes momentos importantes de la vida como cambios, puntos de transición... Estos puntos implican tanto un cambio en la trayectoria como un cambio personal.

En este desarrollo influye el pasado, teniendo en cuenta las experiencias vividas, los cambios sociales, económicos, culturales... el contexto tanto histórico como familiar y cultural...

También se puede entender como un proceso cíclico, que nunca acaba,  pero pudiendo haber o no variaciones en el mismo; por tanto también puede ser continuo o discontinuo.

Miguel Carazo Mayoral
Beatriz Martinez Isidro
Irina Meca Miguel
Elia Rueda Molina

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Digital representation of Time Lines with Tiki Toki


Last Monday I gave a conference about my experience as head of my department. As past of my presentation I wanted to show which are the main milestones of a department activity through a complete course.

I was figuring out how to show that in a clear and interesting way and I remembered time lines, the objective ones at least. Asking the attendees to the conference to walk through subjective timelines was not probably the best idea ;)

So by chance I found this webpage which provides an interesting tool to represent sequential representations easily in a digital way.

It is called tiki toki (

It took me ten minutes to learn how to use it for my presentation, it is not difficult at all.

Here you have a tutorial about it

You can explore also in Youtube in order to find more examples.

I am sure it could be an interesting tool during your Grade.

But I think it gives lots of possibilities in our subject about Developmental Psychology. It is possible to integrate different categories in one story and represent it in two and three dimensions. It is also possible to ad images, videos, sounds in addition to text.

Plenty of possibilities.

Could you have used it with your personal timelines? Would it make sense? Could it be interesting in order to summarize or integrate what we are exploring and learning through our course?

That is up to you. But I can tell you I am going to explore it deeply.

I hope you find it interesting and useful.

By the way here you have my own simple example (it will available just a month or so, click in the circle on your left down which allows to see in 3D)

See you


Thursday 1 October 2015

El primer post

Hola a todos y todas

Estaba en un momento de bloqueo mental, trabajando en casa, y he decidido que lo mejor que podía hacer en este momento era escribir un post en nuestro blog. Y dar un ejemplo de qué para qué sirve esto de escribir posts.

Y lo hago en castellano, más que nada porque ahora mismo lo que quería era inaugurar este curso, o este espacio en este curso. Y hacerlo de la manera más fluida y rápida y sencilla.

Además, ¿no es nuestro grupo y curso bilingüe?

Ayer me pasé todo el día terminando de escribir un capítulo en inglés, analizando qué aporta la autoevaluación como metodología. Y justamente, junto a David Herrero y Gloria Nogueiras, hemos estado analizando las autoevaluaciones que escribieron los alumnos de esta asignatura del año pasado. Los alumnos de los tres grupos. Y qué maravilla ha sido no sólo escribir el capítulo, sino discutir tantas ideas que han surgido tras leer las autoevaluaciones de los alumnos.

Empezar a leer el final, ahora que estamos comenzando el curso es algo muy raro. Al menos para mi, la sensación que me produce es muy rara. Es como contactar con cómo me gustaría que terminarais todos los que estáis matriculados en esta asignatura. Es tener claro, por dónde vais a pasar. Y saber que tenéis que pasar a vuestro ritmo, con vuestro estilo. Sabiendo que la experiencia que tengamos va a ser única, con aspectos similares pero diferentes a otros cursos. Porque todos los que participamos este año somos diferentes.

Esto me recuerda esa estructura de espiral a la que aludíamos los primeros días. Este blog empieza y finaliza cada primer cuatrimestre. Languidece en Enero y renace en Octubre. Ya veremos cómo es su vida este curso. Habrá cuestiones similares a otros cursos, pero sin duda diferentes.

Ante todo espero que este sea nuestro espacio de reflexión por escrito. En clase ya espero que reflexionemos oralmente ,)

Que tenga sentido, desde luego, depende de nosotros.

Ayer desde luego, tuvimos una clase especial, muy a nuestro pesar. Una de esas clases que recordaremos, que afortunadamente terminó bien. Suscesos no normativos como éste, son los que aportan cualidad a la experiencia cotidiana. Influye en nuestras relaciones, en cómo nos presentamos, cómo reaccionamos, cómo damos sentido a lo que ocurre.

Continuaremos la semana que viene donde lo dejamos, analizando líneas de tiempo y siguiendo la elaboración teórica de qué significa el desarrollo y desarrollarse (o no desarrollarse).

Para finales de la asignatura, espero que todos seais mucho más conscientes de vuestros propios procesos evolutivos, para así ser más sensibles para notar el desarrollo de vuestros futuros alumnos, pero también de vuestros compañeros, de vuestros colegas o futuros colegas, y por qué no, de vuestros familiares y amigos.

Un gran reto.

Seguimos por aquí.

