Monday 12 October 2015

What is the true definition of development?

According to the dictionary, "Development" is "the act or process of developing; growth; progress" or "a developed or advanced state or form". But... if we analyze the representations of development that we made in class, we can say development is a word that contains too many things, depending to the person that we are asking. For example: is development a process related to academic life? Or is a process only related to our personal life? It could be the relation between our experiences and our achievements. It could be simply a representation of all things we have lived too.

On the one hand, once we made ​​it clear that the understanding of "development" may be different depending on the person, we can establish that our development is a progress; a line, a infinite line that never stop. We`re in a continuous progress, and there are many success with special meaning that changes the direction or the object of our development. They are different moments in our lifes that may provocate a transition o a transformation: Development is continuous; we're in a continuous transit that changes with different moments and success: transfers and transformations.
On the other hand, we should consider three basics aspects of this concept:

1-  Each level or each level or stage prepares you for the next. On this way we can be in one stage without having passed before the previous level.

2- This process success since global things to concrete things; since general concepts to particular concepts. On this way with the experience we have more knowledge about one theme.

3- Each level contains all the information and concepts that contained the previous level with more information added. 

María Pérez Schnell
Zuleika Vargas

1 comment:

  1. Thanks María for your post. I think we published our posts almost at the same time.

    Compared with the other three posts I mentioned in my own post, yours is a little more elaborated. Although I am afraid there are some misunderstandings.

    You mention ideas related to the three quotes, great, but you (the group I mean) are probably not understanding them completely.

    It is interesting your title: the true definition ;)

    Why true? Does this mean that if it is true then it cannot include mistakes? Are the other definitions false? Does it make sense using truth values when we are trying to learn?

    You start looking up the concept in the dictionary. But you can notice that it is not very helpful. You can get synonyms, but not too much. Once again it is easy not to define what we were looking up but merely get new labels or words for it.

    It is not clear if you integrate or not the idea of continuity with discontinuity. After reading you it is not clear for me if your group consider development and continous or discontinous. According to your final point, it seems you are stressing quantitative information. There is development if there is more quantity of something. Then, what happens with quality? And what is quality then?

    This idea of more quantity of something is also implied in point number two (and allusion to the orthogenetic principle). You are not differentiating the idea of quality and because of that you are not using it. Much less integrating it.

    And finally can you be in a stage a+1 without passing first by stage a? Is not that a contradiction? This is an interesting point belonging to stage theories: they imply the idea of ordered sequence and irreversibility.

    Think about it....

    Well done..

